My favorite block

My favorite block
Spinning Snowball block

Monday, February 1, 2016

Granddaughters are a Joy

Quirky Quilters,

We had a wonderful surprise yesterday when our two granddaughters stopped by with our daughter.  Meagan is a toddler while Rebekka is attending college.  I showed off my latest projects while waiting for Grandpa to come back with barbecue for a family dinner.  The girls and our son are my best fans.

Meagan was the first in the family to get a quilt, just the day after her birth.  The quilt started out as a Strip Club Project from Quilters Emporium.  The pattern was Picture Frames from Cozy Quilt Designs, designed by Daniela Stout.  I dutifully made all the blocks and put them on my design wall.  I hated it.  I kept rearranging them and staring at it from across the room.  I just couldn't fix it.  Three months later my friend came by and said "that is the ugliest quilt I've ever seen."  It was just too busy with the fabrics that came with it.  So I separated the two types of blocks, added sashing and borders and ended up with two beautiful baby quilts. 

Meagan's quilt

Back of Meagan's quilt
Meagan with big sister Rebekka

2nd quilt for Sydney, a friend's new baby
Sydney with her quilt
Stay tuned tomorrow for the story of Rebekka's quilt.

just J